Welcome Three New Members

New Member MusiciansWe are proud to welcome three artists to our roster of member musicians for the 2013-14 season: violinist/violist Yura Lee, violist Dimitri Murrath, and cellist Raman Ramakrishnan.

Speaking of the appointments, Marcus Thompson, Artistic Director, said, “We are pleased that Yura, Dimitri and Raman all agree to join the ensemble as we are starting our fourth decade of bringing exceptional chamber music performances to the public. Each of them has performed with us multiple times in recent years and has been praised by audience and critics alike. They are among the masters of the young generation and represent the highest standard of chamber musicians. We are looking forward to performing and collaborating with them on stage and in our community activities to promote the art of chamber music.”

Yura Lee first performed with BCMS in February 2011. After accepted the appointment, Yura said, “Chamber music is a huge part of my life. The joy of finding that special point of communication with music is something that is very essential to me. Not to mention the fact that we are so fortunate to have the greatest composers writing some of their greatest works for chamber music. I feel lucky to be able to play chamber music, and also lucky to be sharing it in Boston. I am very happy and honored to be part of BCMS, to be joining musicians that I so admire, respect, and enjoy playing chamber music with. I look forward to sharing one of the greatest joys of life with you all.”

Dimitri Murrath first appeared with BCMS in December 2010. Dimitri said of his decision to accept the appointment, “As I was going through my studies as a musician, some people whom I met in festivals played an important role in my artistic development. From playing with them, from listening to their suggestions, and from simply spending time with them, I learned to grow as a chamber musician. Some of these people are member musicians of the Boston Chamber Music Society. Therefore, when I heard that they had invited me to join them, I was very grateful and honored. It is my hope that in future years I can contribute not only in the music making but also in new ideas and experiments. How to bring the chamber music repertoire to new places and new audiences in a way that maintains the quality and lets all people feel involved and welcome? It is a question we saw BCMS has addressed over its history, and that keeps being a challenge of constant renewal.”

Raman Ramakrishnan performed first on the BCMS Summer Series in 2011. When asked about his joining the BCMS, Raman stated, “I first experienced BCMS as an undergraduate at Harvard University. A few of us there were able, through our teachers, to score free tickets to concerts at Sanders Theatre and Jordan Hall. We would often sit near the front, and stare up at our teachers and their colleagues with adulation. More than fifteen years later, I can still remember many of those performances for their beauty, vitality, and clarity, and especially for the palpable communication between the performers. The joy of communicating without words drew me to chamber music very early on; it is an idealized democracy of a conversation, in which everyone can talk at once but be heard clearly as individuals contributing to a greater good. I am thrilled and honored to be able to do this on stage with a group that I’ve idolized for so many years.”

All three musicians will appear in their new roles throughout the season: Yura will be featured in the December 13, January 18 and March 9 concerts; Dimitri in the January 18, February 9, March 9 and May 18 concerts; and Raman in the October 27, November 24, April 13 and May 18 concerts.

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