Wenting Kang


Chinese violist Wenting Kang appeared as an “excellent violist” who “possesses a dark glowing sound” in the New York Times after her performance at Carnegie Hall. Her debut CD recording with pianist Sergei Kvitko “Mosaic” was released in 2022 and won the gold medal as recommended CD on the Melómano Magazine in Spain. She also has collaborated with conductor Gil Rose and the Boston Modern Orchestra Project and released the recording of Serenade No. 1 of George Perle.

Kang appeared as soloist with Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra, Orquesta Sinfónica de Madrid, Malaga Philharmonic Orchestra, Nagoya Philhamonic Orchestra, Tokyo Metropolitan Orchestra, the Tokyo TOHO Gakuen Orchestra, Orquesta Clásica Santa Cecilia, and Madrid Soloists Chamber Orchestra. The featured works includes Don Quixote, concertos of Bartok, Walton, Elgar, and Sinfonica Concertante of Mozart.

As an active chamber musician, Kang shared stage with renowned artists such as Nobuko Imai, Kim Kashkashian, Elisabeth Leonskaja, Christoph Richter, Péter Nagy, Bruno Giuranna, and Christian Tetzlaff. During 2018 and 2020 she was active as a member of the Dalia String Quartet. Additionally, in 2017 she joined the Imai Viola Quartet as a founding member.

Kang studied at Central Conservatory in Beijing, New England Conservatory, and Kronberg Academy, under the guidance of Kim Kashkashian, Garth Knox, Donald Weilerstein, Miriam Fried, Nobuko Imai, Liangsheng Chen, and Changhai Wang. She was the recipient of the First Prize in the Second Tokyo International Viola Competition. Previously, she had won prizes in the Johannes Brahms and the Primrose International Viola Competitions.

In September 2024, Kang joins the viola faculty at the New England Conservatory. From 2016 to 2024, she has been assistant professor alongside Nobuko Imai at the Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofia in Madrid. In 2020, she opened her class at Escuela Superior de Música Forum Musikae in Madrid. She has been invited to give masterclasses for viola and chamber music at international festivals as well as prestigious institutions including Conservatorium van Amsterdam and Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest.

Kang has been the principal violist of Orquesta Sinfonica de Madrid at Teatro Real (Royal Theatre) of Spain from 2018. She was a founding member of the Madrid Soloists Chamber Orchestra and has been its principal violist since 2017. Among the major orchestras which have invited her as guest principal violist include la Orquesta Titular del Palau de les Arts in Valencia, Aalborg Symphonieorchester, la Orquesta Sinfónica de Barcelona y Nacional de Cataluña, and Spanish Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra.